CityLit Theatre, Bryn Mawr, Chicago in the “superbly directed” The Birthday Party by Harold Pinter.

Tickets: citylit.org. Dates: 13th Jan–26th Feb 2023, Friday-Sunday plus Monday 13th & 20th February.

Nat Goldberg: The Birthday Party - CityLit

“James Sparling, as Goldberg, dazzles; he produces an intoxicating spectacle of theatrical brilliance. Such an understated yet overwhelming performance is rare to come by.”

Chicago Maroon

“James Sparling (Nat Goldberg) is pitch perfect.”

Buzz Feed News

“James Sparling as Goldberg, who looks and sounds exactly like Patrick Stewart at his most posh while simultaneously nailing every stereotype of the East End London Jew getting what he wants at others’ expense… Do. Not. Miss.”

Chicago Reader

“Sparling is the type of actor who can switch gears on a dime: beguiling and loquacious on one hand and ruthless the next, and later he shows the effects of the psychological torture on him as well…”

Around the Town

“very polished James Sparling…absolutely wonderful.”

“Superbly directed by Artistic Director Terry McCabe, Pinter’s ambiguous story is told by an excellent cast of six talented actors.”

Chicago Theatre Review.

Lulu and Goldberg in the birthday party
Nat Goldberg & McCann The Birthday Party